What is the Textbook Share Project?


In 2019, Boreham Library, working with the SGA and campus faculty, created the Textbook Share Project. We purchased or obtained copies of of textbooks for 25  high-enrollment General Education classes. Now known as the Textbook Share Program, it has expanded to include even more textbooks for more classes (over 80 courses as of spring 2023)!

To see if we have a book on reserve for a course, visit our course reserves search page: uafs.on.worldcat.org/courseReserves/landing and search either by instructor or course number. If you are unable to find what you're looking for, try searching by title in the library catalog: uafs.on.worldcat.org/discovery.

Due to demand, these titles have limited checkout periods (up to one week). Online access codes are not provided.

Stop by the Boreham Library’s Circulation Desk and borrow a textbook today!

  • Last Updated Sep 24, 2024
  • Views 233
  • Answered By Boreham Library

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